What is it:

            Peak O2 is an organic combination of six Ayurvedic mushrooms strains grown and harvested in the U.S.   These mushrooms are powerful adaptogens, which allow the athlete to “adapt” to and overcome physical and mental stress.


Benefits of this ingredient:

Increase muscular endurance

Increase time until exhaustion sets in- In a clinical testing done by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, time to exhaustion improved by 70 seconds whereas the placebo group only improved by 5 seconds.

Increase in Maximum Power Output- In clinical testing done by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, this increased by 17.6% in comparison to baseline placebo group.

Increased Oxygen Utilization


-The Benefits from this ingredient have been seen within 7-14 days of use.


Products we carry with this ingredient: Granite Supplements Adamantium Aminos


--Nick Langer

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